OnlyScat is open to anyone of legal age who can verify their identity and believes our platform suits them.
Models must create an account under their own name. This means that if you are selling someone else’s clips - even if you legally own them- OnlyScat is not the right platform for you. Partners, couples or groups can open an account together, but the account must be registered in the name of the ‘main’ model.
Your application is typically approved within 24 hours, although it may take longer during weekends or holidays.
All models featured in your videos must have their age and identity verified. This includes a clear photo of the model’s ID that shows their name and date of birth. The main model must also submit a selfie holding their ID to confirm their identity.
OnlyScat is a free video tube site where you cannot sell content. Instead, it’s meant to help promote yourself to a wider audience and protect your content from being shared on other tube sites that don’t authenticate models (Or use your content without your permission).
If you believe that any comments are inappropriate or misleading on OnlyScat, please email us at The email should include the video URL and the comment that should be removed.
Yes, you can register for free on OnlyScat.
‘Favorites’ is a feature where users can save videos they like for easy access later. Simply click the ‘Favorites’ button while watching a video, and it will be saved automatically.
OnlyScat does not use third-party analytics, and we do not collect or store any personal data from users. Besides from your email and username.
The chance of this happening is very small, as only verified models can upload content. However, if it does occur, you can use the report option under the relevant video. We will then take the video down.
This site contains explicit pornographic material. Enter only if you are 18 years or older.
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